1. What is KRA tab?

    KRA tab will allow you to create your KRAs and also do all related activities with respect to your KRAs.

  2. What is KRA?

    Key Result Area. –These are the activities that you need to focus more importantly of all other the activities that you perform. They are measurable, meaning, your will accept some targets and strive to achieve them in the agreed period of time.

  3. What is the graph on the Hometab?

    The pie graph on the home page is a ready reckoner for the classifications of your KRAs and their weightages in numbers, percentage etc.

  4. What are “Total KRAs”, ”Weightages” and “Actuals”?

    Of the total number of KRAs that your have been assigned, the pie graph is showing information on number of KRAs under each classification, their weight (importance) and finally your progress, based on your input.

  5. What is “Classifications”?

    Each organization will have some important focus areas in their function based on market conditions, internal work culture, and operational efficiencies etc,. These focus areas are classified and also are given some weightages. KRAs will be categorized into these classifications.

  6. What is “Dashboard Tab”?

    Dashboard tab provides a ready reckoner for the employee to know their KRA status, targets etc. for reference.

  7. What is “My Profile Tab”?

    Dashboard tab provides a ready reckoner for the employee to know their KRA status, targets etc. for reference.

  8. How do I fill my KRAs?

    Click on the KRA tab. You will find the classifications available for this year. Click on the + sign. And start filling your KRAs. You should be ready with the KRAs that are measurable. Each KRA will have a target and a unit of measure. The target is what you have to achieve in a specific year. This target can be broken down to quarterly or half yearly as agreed with your appraise.

  9. What is “Add”, ”Delete” and ”Drop” option on the KRA screen?

    When you want to add a KRA under a classification, you can create the same by clicking the “Add” button, similarly, if you want to delete the same, it can be done with “Delete” option and finally “Drop” button, Drop button is to drop a KRA midway on circumstances that no more demand that KRA. The system will then treat the rest of the KRA equal to 100 weightage and calculate.

  10. Who will approve my KRAs ?

    Your KRAs will be approved by your reporting officer, (BOSS). He / She can see your KRA as they get filled, and can also comment on it till satisfied and then approve the same. The same process is applicable for your team also.

  11. Can I see my reporting officer KRA?

    Yes, on clicking KRA tab, you can see three more tab appearing, KRA, My Team and My Boss. On clicking each of them you can check your boss, your team KRA as well. From this Tab you can also approve your team KRAs.

  12. Who are my “Enablers”?

    Any employee in the organization can be your enabler in achieving your KRA. With good collaboration and mutual help, most of the jobs are accomplished. Therefore, to achieve your targets, you can select your enablers within your organization and with mutual consent. However, the outcome of the target achieved is solely with you. Enablers are only providing the necessary support.

  13. What is “AP”?

    AP -Action Plan. To achieve any target, you need to plan your actions to achieve the target. Therefore, each KRA is backed with a good action plan. Good action plan indicates that you have planned your actions to achieve your targets. Action Plans are hallmark of a good planner to achieve the targets.

  14. Can I have many KRAs?

    KRAs should be very focused and limited. Thoughtful KRA are S.M.A.R.T, Ie, Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Time bound. Ask yourself what will be achieved by this KRA that will contribute the organizational goals. Have as many detailed Action Plans to achieve the specific KRAs. Have limited SMART KRAs only.

  15. What is “Weight”?

    Each Classification will have a Weight “Importance” over the rest of the classifications. Ie. Focus Areas. The sum total of all the weights of all classification is always 100. KRAs when classified in to each of the classification will have their own weights totaling to the classification weight. When a target is achieved, the weight is also credited as achieved. Example: If a KRA has 5 weight of say 10 and your have achieved the target then you earn a weight of 10 for that KRA.

  16. What is “Period”?

    Yearly targets can be split into quarterly or half yearly with in the screen provided in the “Period” button.

  17. What is “UOM”?

    Unit of Measure, Each KRA will be measurable and hence it should be measured with Unit of Measure Example Days, Numbers, Liters, and Meters etc.

  18. What is “Benchmark”?

    When you take a target, it should be benchmarked with a previous year figures or an external figure. This will help to justify your target. For example, last year’s sales were say 100 Crores, this year target could be 120 Crores. Here benchmark is 100 Cr. i.e. previous year actual.

  19. What is “Logic”?

    When we assume a target, we also need to say what if I achieve the target partially or completely etc. In such instances, logic chosen will help you to establish the achievement basis. For more details, see help tab for Logic details and meaning.

  20. What is “Act” Tab?

    Act stands for Actual. As work begins and progress is made on each KRA, you have an opportunity to record your progress on a monthly basis. This screen is enabled under the Act tab.

  21. How do I fill my progress?

    When you click on Act tab, a screen opens where the specific KRA details open up. Here you can observe that monthly progress achieved can be recorded under Actuals Column against each month indicated. You can also record some remarks etc.

  22. What is “Milestone”?

    When you start recording you actual achievement month wise under ACT tab of KRA, you will notice a milestone caption which automatically sets in when you split your year target in to quarterly, half yearly etc.

  23. What is “Auto” and “Self” radio buttons on opening the “Act” tab?

    The achievement of each weight against KRAs is either calculated automatically by the system based on the logic etctaken else it also provides an option to evaluate by self and input the same in the box provided “W-TageAchieved (Self)”.

  24. What is “Calculation Type“ at the bottom on opening the Act Tab?

    On clicking any of the option of Average, Min, Maximum or Sum, the actual data fed on monthly basis is accordingly displayed as information to the employee.

  25. Do I have to save any work that I do in this system?

    Yes, each time that you update, change or delete any information etc, you have to locate the “Save” button at the bottom of the screen to save the changes to database.

  26. Who are “Appraiser”, “Reviewer” and a “Counter Signing Authority”?

    Your immediate reporting officer is your appraiser, the boss to your reporting officer is your “Reviewer” and any other individual who is indirectly connected with you could be your “Counter Signing Authority”.

  27. Who are “Appraiser”, “Reviewer” and a “Counter Signing Authority”?

    Your immediate reporting officer is your appraiser, the boss to your reporting officer is your “Reviewer” and any other individual who is indirectly connected with you could be your “Counter Signing Authority”.



  28. Who and how will my performance be assessed?

    You immediate boss will review your achievements based on the monthly performance data keyed in by you. Also based on the logic taken for that KRA, the performance over the year is indicated alongside each KRA in the Report. This enables your appraiser to assess your performance with the weightage.

  29. Will I know how much weightage my appraiser has awarded to me?

    Yes, when he had completed his assessment, you can check that in the report.

  30. What is “My Apprise” tab?

    KAUSHAL is segregated into two processes. The first process is setting up of KRAs, its progress monitoring and finalization of the same using the report etc. The second part comprises of year-end activities such a taking some feedback from your reportees, evaluating their performance, identifying their training needs etc. All these process are under this tab. Normally, you will be requiring this functionality after your KRA process is over.

  31. How is this categorization of “I Am Appraiser of” etc. done?

    When the employee details are updated in the system by say HR department, these details are updated. All those you will appraise as an appraiser, will be categorized as “I Am Appraiser Of” etc.

  32. What is the “Done”, ”Due”, ”NA” etc. on the page when I click “My Apprasee” ?

    It is listing of all employees who are your appraiser etc. Against each employee, the activities that are to be performed by you are displayed. After you have completed each stage like “Assessment” etc, it will indicate, “Done” etc.

  33. How do I assess all these parameters?

    You have click on any of the parameters like “Assessment”, ”Comments”, ”Trainings”, ”Competency Traits” etc., a separate page will open for you to provide your assessments.

  34. What are the Parameters on which I do the assessment as an appraiser?

    You can assess you apprasieeon “Competency Traits” and “Final Ratings”.

  35. What are “Competency traits”?

    Soft skills and softer aspects of your apprasieeare Competency Traits like Learning orientation, Team working, conflict management etc. These are gauged on a scale of 1 to 5, 1 being the least and 5 being the maximum.

  36. Who provides list of “Competency traits”?

    These are maintained by the HR department to assess the organizational competencies on softer aspects of employees. There are in total six, three are provided by HR and three can be of you choice.

  37. What is “Assessment” tab under “My Apprasiee” tab?

    While the KRAs provide a definitive measure of performance, but there are many such activities, which the appraiseewould like to express to his boss. These are spelt out here by apprasiee. This information is a free flow typing where you can mention all that you achieved other than your KRAS and also some of the constraints.

  38. What are Appraiser’s remarks?

    As an appraiser, he / she may or may not agree with all that is detailed here. Therefore, why the disagreement or agreement is also recorded.

  39. What is Apprasiee/ Constraining factors?

    It is free flow text box where the Appraiseecan express his constrain factors through out the year in achieving his targets etc. This provides an insight to the appraiser on appraise.

  40. What is “Training Needs”?

    While performing your tasks, you might have come across some deficiencies, which you would like to over come by attending some training. These could be behavioral or functional trainings. You can identify these training and select them for your appraiser to approve so that HR can plan for the same.

  41. Can I as an appraiser agree / disagree or recommend some training needs of my Appraisee?

    Yes, you can. While assessing your Appraisee, you can do this.

  42. What activities I have to do complete my self-appraisal?

    On My Profile Tab, you have to fill in three parts, IeSelf Assessment, Training Needs and Self Assessment of Competency Traits.

  43. Are there any time lines to complete my Assessments?

    Yes, Each year beginning (sessionbeginning), the HR team will set some dates and period for all these activities such as KRA setting up, KRA Approval, Q1, Q2, Q3 and Q4, H1 & H2 periods etc. Accordingly, the systems will activities for you to perform them. Also the system will send some mailers whenever the dates are nearing completion. Eg. “Remaining Self Assessment Days (4)”.

  44. What is Rating Scale?

    Each apprasieeis rated on a scale of say 1 to 4 or 5 named differently by each organization, say “Exceeds Expectations”, “Progressive”,”MeetsExpectations”, “Needs Coaching”, ”Needs Review” etc. You as an appraiser, reviewer or Counter Signing Authority have to place your appraiseein one of the above scale / rating. While doing so, you can always refer to his KRA achievement in % and Competency Traits on a scale of 1 to 5 is summarized in the same page on right hand side top.

  45. What is Rating Scale?

    Each apprasieeis rated on a scale of say 1 to 4 or 5 named differently by each organization, say “Exceeds Expectations”, “Progressive”,”MeetsExpectations”, “Needs Coaching”, ”Needs Review” etc. You as an appraiser, reviewer or Counter Signing Authority have to place your appraiseein one of the above scale / rating. While doing so, you can always refer to his KRA achievement in % and Competency Traits on a scale of 1 to 5 is summarized in the same page on right hand side top.

  46. Can I know as an Appraiser, what was the rating of my appraiseein the previous years?

    Yes, last three years rating can be checked from the tab provided “Last Three Year Rating”.

  47. Why I am asked to explain on rating “Exceeds Expectation” and “Needs Review” ?

    Whenever, your apprasieeaccording to you performs at either end of the rating scale, a very definitive explanation would help to strengthen the aftermath actions for the management either to prepare your appraise for larger roles or take appropriate actions to improve.

  48. What is “Has Potential for Growth?”

    This input is gathered from the appraiser to identify the leader potential in the organization for any future challenges.

  49. Will I Know, what was my rating and appraiser observation about me ?

    Yes, you can see in your login, however, depends upon the management decisions and varies from organization to organization.

  50. What is Position Description (PD) in my profile?

    The expected job role of an individual in the position that you are today is descripted in broad lined in a PD document. This is created by HR and attached against you profile for you to refer as and when required. However, you role may be much wider that what is described in PD.

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